Sandvine Wins Light Reading Leading Lights Award for Customer Experience

By Sandvine September 26, 2023

Award for ‘Outstanding Use Case: Customer Experience’ for QoE work with Telenet

Topics: Network optimization, App qoe, App quality of experience

Mobile Internet Phenomena Report Spotlight: Five Opportunities for 5G Fixed Wireless Access

By Sandvine May 24, 2021

5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is expected to be one of the most lucrative early use cases for 5G as it allows both fixed and mobile service providers to expand their market reach in a cost effective way. This is especially the case where fiber is too expensive to roll out and maintain in the last mile in many suburban and rural areas, yet consumer and...

Topics: Mobile operators, 5G, Mobile internet phenomena, Fixed wireless access

A Day in the Life of a Mobile Network

By Sandvine May 10, 2021

Our mobile devices are now rarely out of reach. From the instance your alarm wakes you up in the morning to the last social media thumb scroll, our mobile devices are constantly by our side.A mobile network is fascinating between these two moments throughout the typical day - when commuting to work, standing in line for coffee, grabbing lunch, taking the...

Topics: Mobile operators, 5G, Mobile internet phenomena

Ask Sandvine: What is different about how Sandvine is implementing use cases in the market?

By Sandvine January 30, 2020

"Ask Sandvine" is a video blog series where we answer questions you may have about our company, solutions, products, technologies, or anything else you'd like to know about Sandvine.

Topics: Active network intelligence, Ask sandvine, Use cases, Solutions

Ask Sandvine: What is Sandvine's Automated WiFi QoE Analysis use case?

By Sandvine January 9, 2020

"Ask Sandvine" is a video blog series where we answer questions you may have about our company, solutions, products, technologies, or anything else you'd like to know about Sandvine.

Topics: Quality of experience qoe, Wifi, Analytics, Automation, Active network intelligence, Ask sandvine, Use cases, Solutions

Ask Sandvine: Why is the Active Network Intelligence Portal a critical part of Sandvine's solutions?

By Sandvine December 12, 2019

"Ask Sandvine" is a video blog series where we answer questions you may have about our company, solutions, products, technologies, or anything else you'd like to know about Sandvine.

Topics: Analytics, Active network intelligence, Ask sandvine, Use cases, Solutions, Ani portal

Ask Sandvine: What kinds of unique services can Sandvine enable in 5G deployments?

By Sandvine November 28, 2019

"Ask Sandvine" is a video blog series where we answer questions you may have about our company, solutions, products, technologies, or anything else you'd like to know about Sandvine.

Topics: Analytics, 5G, Ask sandvine, Use cases

Ask Sandvine: Why do we do the Internet Phenomena Report?

By Sandvine November 21, 2019

"Ask Sandvine" is a video blog series where we answer questions you may have about our company, solutions, products, technologies, or anything else you'd like to know about Sandvine.

Topics: Global internet phenomena, Ask sandvine

Ask Sandvine: What do we mean when we use the word "intent"?

By Sandvine November 14, 2019

"Ask Sandvine" is a video blog series where we answer questions you may have about our company, solutions, products, technologies, or anything else you'd like to know about Sandvine.

Topics: Automation, Ask sandvine, Intent

Ask Sandvine: How will Sandvine's use cases help deliver the promise of 5G?

By Sandvine October 31, 2019

"Ask Sandvine" is a video blog series where we answer questions you may have about our company, solutions, products, technologies, or anything else you'd like to know about Sandvine.

Topics: 5G, Active network intelligence, Ask sandvine, Use cases, Networks

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