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Sandvine’s 2024 Global Internet Phenomena Report: Global Internet Usage Continues to Grow

Written by Samir Marwaha, Chief Solutions Officer | Apr 10, 2024 2:37:46 PM

Global traffic now over 33 exabytes per day, with users averaging 4.2GB a day.

Our 2024 Global Internet Phenomena Report shows a global volume of 33 exabytes per day, and a per-subscriber volume of 4.2 GB per day across the globe’s 6.4 billion mobile and 1.4 billion fixed connections.

We also saw the continued dominance of the largest content providers, with companies like Google, Facebook, and Netflix driving 65% of all fixed traffic and 68% of all mobile traffic.

Our 2024 GIPR measures three key metrics averaged across fixed and mobile networks around the world:

  • Application Volume per Subscriber – daily volume for an application divided by the total number of subscribers.
  • Application User Volume and Popularity – daily volume for an application divided by the number of subscribers using a particular application in the context of all active subscribers for an operator.
  • Application Popularity Percentage – percentage of the subscriber base that use a particular application on a particular day.



For this year’s report, we used Sandvine’s AppLogic and its AI- and ML-driven propensity and prediction models to pull insights from a representative sample of anonymized and aggregated global data. That data covers both Application Categories as well as Content Categories.

This data can help Engineering, Operations, and Customer Care departments address a number of challenges, such as:

  • Build network capacity cost-effectively and efficiently.
  • Quantify application costs and monetize network services.
  • Improve quality of service and quality of experience for customers.

With AppLogic’s industry-leading 95% accuracy, telecommunications providers and enterprises can reduce trouble tickets and escalations and increase customer satisfaction.

Download the 2024 Global Internet Phenomena Report and watch the accompanying Q&A with Sandvine CTO Alexander Haväng and VP of Sales Bill Basquin. And contact us or schedule a demo to learn how you can gain these same insights into your network traffic.